RV Refrigerator Buyer's Guide for 2022 | No Credit Campers

RV Refrigerator Buyer's Guide 2022

Whether you are a full-time RVer or you just love to go camping on weekends, having a reliable and topnotch refrigerator in your RV is essential. 

Sadly, it is a common misconception that even a mini-fridge can go well with your RV. The fact is, mini-fridges are not made for the open roads. And, they don't always fit into the limited space you have in the RV.

Several manufacturers have developed special RV refrigerators, and fortunately, we have compiled some of the easiest tricks to buy the best ones in this article. 

Buying the RV refrigerator is a big investment. Over the last couple of decades, companies have incorporated the latest technologies in RV fridge manufacturing. Even though they have diverged from our home refrigerators, RV fridges are a bit costlier and different. 

There's a reason behind it!

The mechanisms used in RV refrigerators are way different than your residential ones. RV fridges are compact, easily portable and more efficient outdoors. They save your time, energy, and in the long run, money as well. 

In this detailed guide, our RV experts will shed some light on the basics of RV fridges, how an RV refrigerator works, how to buy the best RV refrigerator, and why a residential fridge is a big NO for your RV.

So without further ado, let us dive right into it!

The Basics

Purchasing an RV fridge can be a bit of a challenge if you are not prepared well. It is not just about sifting the options market throws at you. You must consider some crucial features before you close the deal.

Look for the following things before selecting the one.

Is That Durable Enough?

It's possible that you can find an RV fridge that fits well in your motorhome and has perfect storage. But what if it shuts down in just a month or two? It will be a total waste of money, won't it? This is why durability is a big point. 

When it is about compact and portable fridges, not all of them come with a long life. Shop for the ones that are made with steel or other robust materials. It should also be strong enough to handle a couple of dents and a bit of jostling while you are on the road. 

How Big Is That? this, we mean size. Your RV refrigerator should have a lot of storage, and at the same time, it must be compact to fit comfortably inside your RV. This is highly important for those having smaller campers. 

You can make the buying process easy by mapping out a plan to place the fridge beforehand. Take the measurements and find the correct fit. As simple as that!

How Much Can It Store?

Your RV refrigerator's storage area is considered the most critical factor of all. It's okay if your RV does not have a lot of space to fit the big-sized fridge. But when you are on the road for a long time, it's your fridge that can keep your groceries fresh. Needless to say, the storage should be big enough to hold at least a month's grocery. 

You can find several mini-fridge brands in the market that can barely hold a few beverages. They are good to place and carry, but not a suitable option for your RV. What you need here is a fridge with multiple shelves that can easily store veggies, leftovers, and all that you want to keep. 

Make sure it has a freezer section as well. Not all the RV refrigerators come with this facility. So, check before you buy.

How Much Does An RV Refrigerator Cost?

Everything comes down to money! When you know the space you have in your RV, it's time to check how much you can spend. Generally, the RV refrigerator pricing varies from $1000 to $3000.

You can go for a second-hand option if you want to spend less. Latest and advanced models are a bit expensive.

If you think that this is too much to spend on a fridge, please don't! 


Because in the long run, it will save you a lot of money by letting you dine in more often. It keeps your food fresh for an extended time and makes ice as well. Win-win for you!

Now that you are aware of the basics of buying an RV refrigerator, let us dig a bit deeper to get into the more details. Many beginners and pro RVers come to us with these questions about RV fridges. This is what our experts have to say on it!


How Does An RV Refrigerator Work?

They do not have compressors. Instead, they use electricity or propane as a fuel to heat the liquid ammonia, the refrigerant. The processes of evaporation and condensation of liquid ammonia result in cooling the refrigerator. 

What Special Features An RV Refrigerator Should Have?

The answers to this question help you narrow down your options. If you have specific RV features and specifications in mind, it can be easy for you to choose one.

Some want the RV fridge that can make ice, have removable/adjustable door bins, or have crispers. You get a lot of such particular options to choose from, and each will help you shorten your list. 

Why Is Residential Fridge Bad For Your RV?

Many might think that if RV refrigerators are so expensive, why don't we suggest a standard, home fridge instead. Well...the answer to this is not just limited to space. 

Unlike RV fridges, a home fridge comes with moving parts. They are not suitable for moving bases like RVs. Ultimately, you may end up repairing your fridge after every trip. 

Moreover, residential refrigerators have a single power source, and they are made to be kept at one place for their life. On the other hand, RV fridges have multiple power sources to ensure your food is safe even during the journey. This mechanism is developed so that these fridges can bear bumps, vibrations, harsh temperatures and more. 

How To Remove An RV Refrigerator?

Just like any other appliances, RV refrigerators get old over time and there comes the time to replace it. If you plan to remove it on your own, understand that it takes some effort as it is not the same as removing the home fridge. Removing an RV refrigerator needs a proper plan, tools and maneuvering.

Firstly, turn the fridge off and take all the food items out. Keep the following things handy for further tasks.

  • Screwdriver bit

  • Adjustable wrench

  • Cordless drill

  • Heavy blanket

Now, follow the below-mentioned steps to get your RV fridge out.

  • Measure the four sides, entrance and frames before you remove it. It will help you determine if your new one fits here comfortably.

  • With a screwdriver, take the frame screws off and also remove the screws from the frame base. You can locate the frame base at the bottom corner.

  • Disconnect your fridge from the LPG.

  • Make sure you have switched off the LPG. (This switch is generally placed inside the freezer or at the back of the fridge)

  • Remove the silicone caulking of the refrigerator and slide it outside.

  • You may need help from another person to lift it and take it entirely out. 

How Much Propane Does An RV Refrigerator Use?

This totally depends on the size and age of your RV refrigerator. Generally, a new RV fridge with 10 to 12 cubic feet of internal volume needs around 1.5 pounds propane each day. On a rough scale, it is about 14000 BTUs per hour.

Newer models are more thermally efficient as compared to the older ones. This is mainly because of the efficient combustion in newer RV refrigerators. This feature also makes them safer when lowering vented emissions.

Many RVers set up dual fuel generators in their motorhome that may impact the propane use. Other factors, such as frequent opening and closing the fridge door, can also affect propane usage.